Time for a pop quiz: how did you fail today? What sucked today? And what did you do about it?
Failure for me, today, was having a migraine strike and figuring out what to do about it. I'm the type of person that doesn't like to stop - for anything, not even a migraine. I get frustrated by inactivity and not being productive. Not because I am part of some machine that has brainwashed or forced me to work when I am not my best. It's because I am too damn proud. And it's possible that my pride and stubbornness was my failure for today.
Sometimes our body provides the signal our brain is ignoring.
The science is either emerging or simply becoming more clear, but there is a connection between the mind and body. That connection is the vessel for communicating all sorts of things - happiness, distress, contentment, and so forth. The body is an excellent teacher, if we let it.
There's a fine line between ignoring the warning lights on your car and being stranded on the side of the highway because the car broke down. Our bodies, and minds, are no different.
To be sure, go-go-go. But you can't go full speed 24/7/365. The warning lights will go off. The engine will shut down, eventually. The question is whether you will intervene, see the mechanic, go in for a tune-up or just decide that you'll ride the car into the ground.
The choice is truly yours.